Category: News Release

SiteWorx Software announces application enhancements and a new feature for the SiteWorx® Application Suite.

Enhancement: Third-Party Lighting Sensors

We recently added the capability to use third-party lighting control sensors, such as microwave sensors, using our SWN-WIO product. Since a key advantage of the SiteWorx Tune lighting control platform is its ease of use and intuitive design, we wanted to make it easy to see and control non-native sensors. Now WIOs with third-party lighting sensors connected will show on the Settings and Live View pages.Third party sensors on a map

New: Tags for Devices

Users can now create Tags for devices such as Smart Cords and Power Meters for more granular reporting on non-lighting data sources. This support also allows users to export data from SiteWorx using the API, and by setting baselines for these non-lighting tags, make valuable energy usage comparisons.

Tags for Devices

Enhancement: Additional Power Meter Support

Additional third-party power meters are now supported. Contact your local representative for more information about current meter support or to request support for a new power meter.