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Get the latest news about SiteWorx Software, including product releases and enhancements, upcoming events, and more.
SiteWorx Software announces enhancements for the SiteWorx® Application Suite. New: Sense Connectivity Notifications Environmental sensors monitored by SiteWorx Sense play a key part in a building’s energy management strategy. Now, users can sign up to receive a notification and ongoing status updates of any connectivity issues related to Sense devices. Users can choose to receive…
BOSTON – SiteWorx Software USA, LLC today unveiled its redesigned Wireless Input/Output Module (WIO), which integrates with SiteWorx Sense to enable comprehensive monitoring of energy resources including water, air, gas, electricity, and steam. It also provides an interface for occupancy and vacancy-based load control. Availability of resource consumption data is key for any operation, especially…
BOSTON – SiteWorx Software USA proudly announces the launch of our new hardware refurbishment program, created to reduce electronic waste through repair and reuse of early generation or malfunctioning devices. One of our core values is Environmental Stewardship, which we realize daily through our customers’ energy reduction, and this program extends our efforts into lifecycle…
SiteWorx Software USA, LLC announced today the newly developed Remote Commissioning program, which can be used by turnkey partner-resellers to remotely commission newly installed lighting sensors for the SiteWorx Tune intelligent lighting control application. SiteWorx Tune, part of the SiteWorx software suite of applications, uses smart sensors and advanced cloud-based controls to maximize energy savings,…
SiteWorx Software announces application enhancements for the SiteWorx® Application Suite. Enhancement: User Management A small but useful new change is the ability for Admins to remove users from SiteWorx themselves rather than having to contact our Support Team. Admins can now also see the approval state of new and existing users to aid in the…
SiteWorx Software announces application enhancements and a new feature for the SiteWorx® Application Suite. Enhancement: Third-Party Lighting Sensors We recently added the capability to use third-party lighting control sensors, such as microwave sensors, using our SWN-WIO product. Since a key advantage of the SiteWorx Tune lighting control platform is its ease of use and intuitive…
SiteWorx Software announces application enhancements and a new feature release for the SiteWorx® Application Suite. New: Variable Baseline Savings for Tags SiteWorx Tags enable users to create custom energy and occupancy reports for one or more fixtures within a site. Baselines enable users to specify the wattage of the previous lighting system used to light…
SiteWorx Software announces application enhancements and a new feature release for the SiteWorx® Application Suite. These improvements enhance network stability and security, expand API capabilities, and add support for third-party hardware sensors. New: External Sensor Support We’ve expanded our software portfolio to include support for third-party sensor technologies via our SWN-WIO-GP (WIO) hardware device. This…