We’ve been committed to generating energy savings that directly impact the environment since our founding in 2008 — before sustainability was a widespread business objective. The proof? Our Global SiteWorx Savings Dashboard shows the measurable, continuous positive impact our SiteWorx Facility Insight solutions are making at our customer facilities worldwide.

Global SiteWorx Savings Dashboard

At SiteWorx Software, we’re committed to generating energy savings that directly impact the environment. Our Global SiteWorx Savings Dashboard shows the continuous, measurable, positive impact our SiteWorx Facility Insight solutions are making at our customer facilities worldwide.


Piggy Bank Icon
  • 341,371,097

  • $10,000,000

*savings calculated on global per kWh standard cost at 12.7 cents

kWh saved equivalents*

  • 100,000


  • 100,000

  • 100,000

*From the US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator

Introduced in 2017, the Global SiteWorx Savings Dashboard shows the cumulative, real-time total savings and environmental impact of our LED lighting and advanced lighting controls. To make these energy savings more real, it translates them into equivalents — the metric tons of CO2 and N2O emissions saved, barrels of oil not consumed, and tree seedlings grown for a decade. To find out more, visit the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.

Lowering Energy Use — and Impact

While the energy savings shown by the Global SiteWorx Savings Dashboard are impressive, they’re just part of the story. The real impact of our complete SiteWorx portfolio goes beyond lighting and lighting controls.

We help our customers consume less energy, cut carbon output, conserve valuable resources — and hit CO2 reduction targets. How? The data and insights that our solutions provide help our customers make key changes in their facilities that reduce their use of electricity and utility services (water, compressed air, steam, and more). By identifying process inefficiencies and waste, we help protect these valuable resources. And we help ensure that the resource-consuming equipment is in use only when needed, reducing impact even more.


Power Lines at dusk

Boosting Sustainability — Now and in the Future

Our solutions provide our customers with transparent, accurate long-term reporting that serves as tangible proof that their sustainability strategies and initiatives are achieving results, now and in the future. After all, sustainability is more than a word — it’s an ongoing process.

Find out more about how SiteWorx Software helps facilities meet their sustainability goals.

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