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SiteWorx Application Enhancements — July 2022

Jul 26, 2022  |  Share

Digital Lumens announces three new features for the SiteWorx® Facility Insights Application Suite. These features will keep SiteWorx users more informed with asset tracking and their site conditions with two new types of alarm notifications.   

New: Geofence 

This new feature allows SiteWorx users to create and modify virtual spaces and boundaries within a facility using Intelligent Luminaires and Digital Lightelligence Agents (DLAs) from Digital Lumens. Creating a Geofence allows users to monitor asset movement, location, and occupancy of specific areas. 

Geofences define virtual boundaries in a facility and can be used to track assets and monitor occupancy within a predefined space.

Geofences can be helpful in a variety of applications:

  • Tracking asset locations by creating geofences around the expected location area of an important tool or piece of mobile equipment.
  • Monitoring occupancy within large, open facility areas using virtual boundaries.
  • Triggering events and notifications based on activity within or outside a defined geofence.  

Creating geofences within SiteWorx enables the user to generate Occupancy or Asset Location Alarms, new alarm types that keep users informed about site conditions and the location of important items.  

New: Occupancy-Based Alarms

Using geofences, users can now create alarm events and notifications based on occupancy level within a facility’s area. Occupancy-based alarms can automatically notify users when a specific occupancy level is detected in a predefined area. SiteWorx can help monitor areas of a facility that are restricted or closed during specific times and notify users if occupancy is detected in these areas. In addition to detecting and alarming for unexpected occupancy, this feature can inform a user if a certain occupancy level has been reached or exceeded.  

New: Asset Location Alarms

SiteWorx Area users can now configure alarms based on asset location. Using the new geofence feature, users can specify location-based alarms and be notified by email or text message if an asset moves outside (or inside) a virtual boundary. Asset locations can be monitored in real-time, and notifications can alert users of expected or unwanted changes to an asset’s location. 

Asset Location Alarms can notify SiteWorx users that assets have crossed into or out of predefined virtual boundaries within a facility, saving time to locate mobile equipment and other assets that have moved away from their intended location. Alarm Annotations, another recently added SiteWorx feature, can be used to make notes about an alarm or update other users with important information.

In addition to real-time asset tracking, asset location alarms can keep track of equipment, tools, and other assets across all sites, helping facility managers save time and stay informed.

These new features add additional time and money-saving benefits to SiteWorx, helping increase awareness everywhere, all the time.

Contact your Digital Lumens representative to learn more about the full capabilities of the SiteWorx Facility Insights Application Suite.