SiteWorx is more than a brand or a portfolio of solutions. We’re a diverse group of smart, committed people, all focused on helping you turn problems into solutions, costs into savings — light into insights. We help people like you solve the daunting challenges that they face every day at thousands of industrial facilities around the world.
Yes, we’re a technology leader that delivers sophisticated solutions. But we focus on people first — giving them the data, insights, and capabilities they need to make their work more efficient, safe, and fulfilling. We boost uptime, increase efficiency, cut costs, and reduce waste. But it starts by improving the day-to-day work lives of everyone within your facility.
We Generate Facility Wellness
Facility Wellness may be an unusual way to describe the results we deliver. But then again, no other company does exactly what we do, the way that we do it. Facility Wellness means operating at peak efficiency, with no surprises. It means your key equipment stays up and running thanks to constant, automatic monitoring, and proactive maintenance. It keeps the work environment comfortable, well-lit, and safe for people — and sustainable for the environment.
We Solve Problems
We work with you to solve problems that you know you have — and uncover some that may be unknown, hidden deep within your facility. We take a close look at every site, from simple warehouses to complicated manufacturing operations. We work with you to zero in on problems and solve them quickly, keeping your facility running smoothly and profitably.

We Help Your Facility Be Safer, More Efficient — and More Sustainable
We help you create work environments that are safe for your people and sustainable for the environment. We reduce waste and optimize the use of utility services so you can meet your sustainability goals. We help ensure compliance with regulations at all levels, no matter where your facilities are located.