Smart Devices


Wireless Wide-Range Global Power Meter

The Digital Lumens SDN-PWR is a wireless, wide range, power meter that collects non-lighting power consumption and characteristics data. This versatile meter links electric loads with the SiteWorx Sense application to deliver powerful reporting, alerts, and actionable intelligence.


  • Meter individual electrical loads in a building for a detailed and comprehensive view of consumption
  • Simplify activity-based costing to accurately allocate power consumption to each product line, facility area, or individual machine
  • Analyze and optimize equipment use schedules to maximize utilization efficiency
  • Analyze power characteristics such as power factor, reactive power, apparent power, real power, current, and voltage to perform predictive maintenance and find problems before they happen
  • Incorporates the SiteWorx wireless mesh network that ensures connectivity, scalability, and security


SDN-PWR Power Meter Specification Sheet



SDN-PWR Power Meter Installation Instructions


Smart Devices